Johnny Depp and Amber Heard - The Way of the World vs The Way of The Cross

Two people who seemed to have everything the world can offer, fame, fortune, beauty, the honour of men now sit in a courtroom stage beneath the prying, cold, hard gaze of the world.

The ‘greatest’ things the world offers can’t heal the soul. Indeed, these things often break a person.

There is so much hate, so much judgement, yet when I look at Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, I see two vulnerable, broken, traumatised, addicted people with fragile mental health and my heart hurts for them.

This is what modern society and Hollywood values create. A string of mentally fragile, wounded and broken people who are given to influence the young.

In Hollywood, marriage isn’t honoured as a sacred Union between a man and woman. Bodies aren’t honoured as temples of the Holy Spirit. Unborn babies lives don’t matter. Ambition is frenzied. Power is sought. Masks are worn and praised for their beauty and conformity. When the mask slips the human behind it is thrown away. Love is just a fantasy not a sacrifice. 

This is a picture of what we all are without God.

I pray that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard both find Jesus because Jesus is the only way to healing and hope.

The world doesn’t care about who they really are. The world only views their pain with curiosity, scorn and tiny bit of glee at how even those that seem to have it all really have nothing.

But Jesus cares about who they really are. Jesus cares about who we all truly are. 

Following Our Lord won’t make you rich, beautiful or powerful in a worldly sense. This path is narrow. It is not the vanity fair of the world. It is the way of the cross. It is the way of real love.

But this way is the only way of really being free. It is the only way of peace. It is the only way to life eternal.

Heaven and hell can both begin  here, in our life on earth.

Jesus came and showed us how to begin heaven here on earth. Let’s walk with Him because Heaven is to know Him.

So, I pray. I don’t judge. Because only by the Grace of God I walk.


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