Good Shepherds and Bad Shepherds

Jesus tells the faithful, the way to tell the difference between a good shepherd and a bad shepherd. He says:

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

The bad shepherd doesn’t lay down his life for his sheep: 

“The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.”

Click here to read the entire passage.

The difference between good and bad shepherds is how they use the power God has given them:

  • A good shepherd uses their power to care for the flock: David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them (Psalm 78:72).
  • A bad shepherd uses their power to benefit themselves: Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? (Ezekiel 34:2)

Does it cost us anything? Do we truly love those we minister to? Do we sincerely forgive, bless and pray for those who disagree, mock or scorn us as Jesus commanded?

Are we prepared to offer our lives for their salvation?

Are we doing what we are doing for ourselves or are we  truly laying down our lives for others?

These questions have pressed themselves upon my heart lately. Although I have a very small internet presence, I realise that it is a great responsibility to share on a public platform. 

I am also keenly aware that my knowledge and understanding is limited and I am only a fellow follower of Jesus and not an authority or a teacher. I am simply learning, growing and witnessing to my faith as I experience it. 

I write to share the beauty of the faith that I hold dear, to witness to God’s Grace in my life and to hopefully edify others. Being a Christian, especially a Catholic Christian can be very lonely and I have found such amazing fellowship online which has encouraged me and helped me immensely. 

But I’ve also had some negative responses recently for some pro life content that I’ve shared on different platforms. This is only a fraction of the negativity that many Christians encounter online and in the world but God used this experience to confront me with some clear questions about my own intentions. 

It’s easy to share online when you are being validated but it’s a lot harder when you know others will think badly if you or gossip about you for what you share. 

Jesus always found a way to meet people where they were and love them first. Love acts in different ways to different people. To  Pharisees and unrepentant sinners, love looked like judgment, to repentant sinners, it looked like mercy. Yet there was no contradiction, only truth and salvation.

The question I hear God asking me is: Are you sharing for my sake or yours? Do you love those who scorn you enough to pray, bless and do good for them as Jesus commands? Do you love them enough to lay down your life so they may come to know the love of Jesus and have eternal life in heaven?

As I begin my journey into secular Carmel I feel the focus of my life changing somewhat. Becoming less about outward evangelising and more about the interior life. 

I have been reading a life changing book recently too (The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood) which is making this clearer to me. 

Prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do for others. Prayer is secret. Prayer doesn’t give us external validation or reward. Prayer is obscure, quiet and self giving and an act of complete abandonment and faith. It is an imitation of Our Lady. 

May God help me to be more like her I pray. May we find the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced and aflame with love for souls through her own Immaculate Heart.


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