Patron Saints for the blog

It came to me that my blog, and indeed all my online  accounts need a patron Saint. 

There are so many Saints and blessed’s that have inspired and guided me.

But like with my confirmation, one saint in particular seems to have taken me under her wing.

 I can’t express my gratitude for this privilege. Yet I have truly felt the power of her tender prayers. 

I have come to understand more clearly now than before that God’s power comes through a soul made poor, humble and childlike. And that the pure in heart see God. 

So the Patrons of my blog and online accounts are Blessed Mary Ever Virgin and Saint Therese of The Child Jesus. 

I pray, they guide and lead me to Jesus. I can do nothing on my own. 

Prayer to St. Therese

Dear Little Flower of Lisieux, how wonderful was the short life you led.

Though cloistered, you went far and wide through fervent prayers and great sufferings. You obtained from God untold helps and graces for his evangelists. Help all missionaries in their work and teach all of us to spread Christianity in our own neighborhoods and family circles. Amen.

Rose Prayer of St. Therese

St. Therese, the Little Flower, please pick me a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me with a message of love; ask God to grant me the favor I thee implore and tell Him I will love Him each day more and more. Amen.

St Therese, the Blessed Mother and the Child Jesus
Act of Oblation as Victim to God’s Merciful Love

(Composed by St. Thérèse)

In order that my life may be one act of perfect Love, I offer myself as a victim of holocaust to Thy merciful Love, imploring Thee to consume me unceasingly, and to allow the floods of infinite tenderness gathered up in Thee to overflow into my soul, so that I may become a very martyr to Thy Love, O my God. May this martyrdom, after having prepared me to appear in Thy presence, free me from this life at the last and my soul take flight — without delay — into eternal embrace of Thy Merciful Love.

O my Beloved! I desire at every beat of my heart to renew this oblation an infinite number of times, ’till the shadows retire,’ and everlastingly I can tell Thee my love face to face. Amen.

Prayer for Healing

Dearest Saint Therese, you are the Little Flower of Jesus. Pray this day that I may be made well in body, mind, and spirit. Help me to always see, as you so clearly did, that my sufferings and trials are meant to cleanse and purify me so that I may be more worthy to receive God’s unending Love. Amen.


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