About Me

My name is Shosannah ( Suzy). I have five beautiful girls on earth and I’m Omie to two precious little boys.

I live in a little village in England and I’m married to Tani.

We have been homeschooling for 15 years.

When I have some spare time, I make art, rosaries and I write.


This account is a place where I can share things that inspire me about my Catholic faith. It’s also a place where I can be inspired by others beautiful, faith journeys. It is important we don’t walk alone and walking alongside faithful souls helps me walk better with Jesus.


Although cradle Catholic, my faith journey has not been all plain sailing. I share more about this in my blogs. You can read my testimony here: Coming out of the new age.


I am currently in formation with the secular Carmelites. I have always been deeply drawn to Carmelite spirituality. My confirmation Saint is  Saint Therese ( The Little Flower) I chose her after reading Story of a Soul and being inspired by her ‘little way.’


Two years ago our family discovered the Tridentine Mass and fell in love. It deepened our faith in profound ways. We try to go to the TLM whenever possible ( it is very far from us alas) so we usually attend a very reverent Latinised Novus Ordo.


I love quiet, nature, walking my red fox Labrador, journaling, gardening and painting ( when I get time.)


Apart from the Sacred Scriptures, my favourite spiritual book is Abandonment to  Divine Providence by Fr. J P de Caussade.


My favourite parts of the Bible are The Beatitudes, John 1 and the entirety of Song of Songs. 


Please feel free to say hi and share a little about yourself in the comments.


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