The Servant King

2000 years ago, a servant King entered Jerusalem, the great city, not in the splendor of a chariot or even on horseback but riding on a humble Donkey. He was a King unlike the world had ever known.
He said His kingdom belonged to the poor in spirit and the persecuted.
He washed the feet of His friends, the lowliest act of a household servant.
He said love one another as I have loved you for on love like this do the law and prophets hang.
He healed the sick, the lost, the broken and the suffering.
He told the leaders and priests, they were hypocrites. He cleared the temple of money changers.
He said to enter The Kingdom you must become like a little child.
He spoke of simple, everyday things lilies of the field, bread, wheat, earth, lamps, pearls, vineyards, sparrows and made them sacred.
He said blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Rulers, elites and leaders hated Him.
But the lost, sick, suffering, broken and  children loved Him and laid palms at His feet when He came riding into the city on a donkey. They knew and still know who their real King is.
Happy Palm Sunday friends!
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord. Hosanna in the Highest!’


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