To Depend on God Alone

Fishers of men - Kip Decker

I depend wholly upon thee,
    wean me from all other dependences.
Thou art my all, thou dost overrule all
    and delight in me.

Thou art the foundation of goodness,
  how can I distrust thee?
  how be anxious about what happens to me?
In the light of thy preciousness
  the world and all its enjoyments are
    infinitely poor:

I value the favour of men no more than pebbles.
Amid the blessings I receive from thee
    may I never lose the heart of a stranger.

May I love thee, my Benefactor, in all my benefits,
  not forgetting that my greatest danger
    arises from my advantages.

Produce in me self-despair that will
  make Jesus precious to me,
    delightful in all his offices,
    pleasurable in all his ways,
  and may I love his commands
    as well as his promises.

Prayer excerpt from The Valley  of Vision 


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