On Peace and Surrender - Sister Emmanuelle Maillard

Since watching this video I have been more aware of what parts of my life are surrendered to Jesus and what parts of my life I hold back.
It's true. Those parts of my life that are surrendered to God are places of peace for me even if their outcomes are not as I would have originally wished them to be.
The parts of my life that cause the most stress or anxiety, suffering or pain are the parts I try to wrestle control of. They are the hardest parts to surrender of course. But just, being aware of my struggles can also be something I surrender to God in trust. Humility grows from struggle. Knowing I can't surrender to the good in my own strength, but only by the grace of God is humbling.
Yet, every day, I can pray to surrender more and more of myself and my life into God's hands. To seek first His Kingdom, and sit at His feet in complete abandonment and trust.


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