To begin again

Pathway through the woods - Rex Preston

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17

Begin each day as if you have no other plan,  schedule, goal  or ambition, but to sit at the feet of Jesus.
Let all else go and sink into that peace.
A peace that surpasses all understanding. A peace the world cannot give.

Sit like Mary, in stillness and trust, on the cusp of the day.
Sit like Mary, who chose the better way, the way that cannot be taken.

And from this peace and clarity of soul, let the hours to come flow.

The flower and fruit spring forth from the root.
Sink your roots into living waters.

The fullness of life is drawn from the stillness of repose.


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