To follow Jesus is a Purgation

To follow Jesus is to be purified. It’s to be baptised with fire. A consuming fire. A purgative fire. A fire that burns away all the dross.

Heaven would just be a place filled with  the same quarrels, disputes and discords as earth unless we are sanctified.
How does Jesus say we become sanctified? By taking up our cross and following Him.

Jesus says, if you love me you will keep my commandments. To truly follow the commandments to love will always lead to the cross.

The radical love that Jesus requires will lead us to places of purification.

The fullfillment of the  law in the sermon on the mount demands so much more than our mere mortal flesh is capable of. All we an do in response is fall to our knees and give Go our lives so  He can do the work in us.
So to the two keys repentance and belief.
From this point we can begin again.


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