A deeper reading of The Good Samaritan

 Click this link to watch the video Jesus as The Good Samaritan A deeper reading of the parable.

God anoints us with oil in the presence of our enemies.- Psalm 23

God covers us with His blood and takes the burden and suffering of our sin upon His own back. - Isaiah 53

God paid the price of our debts for us so we could be set free

Jesus asks us to love one another as He loved us, so all men shall know that we are His disciples. - John 13-35

Instead of speaking or thinking against each other let’s anoint each other with the oil of blessing, healing and the Holy Spirit which revives rather than wearies the soul.

Instead of wounding one another or carrying resentment and bitterness in our hearts, let’s cover each other. Let’s cover each other with Grace and Mercy.

Instead of revealing and revelling in each other’s sins and failings, let’s cover each other like Shem covered his father Noah’s nakedness. - Genesis 9

Lets cover each other like Jesus covers us.


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