Modesty ( more than just clothing )


Modesty goes beyond simply not tempting another into sin by our outward dress. It also includes not tempting another into sin by our behaviour such as provoking them to wrath or anger. That is why a Christian should be meek, mild, humble and gentle and look only upon his own sins and remain silent having faith that God will do the work on our fellow men rather than ourselves by our many words. Words which all too often exult our own self righteousness and hinder another’s progress by stirring up resentment in their heart thus doing twofold damage to both self and neighbour.

Remember Our Lords solemn warning to those who cause ‘little ones’ to stumble.

Let’s always seek to be modest in our behaviour, dress and words so that we don’t lead others astray.

But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.- Matthew 18:6


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