
Hannah prayed for a child and when the Lord granted her a child she didn’t cling to him but consecrated him to the Lord.
Samuel couldn’t have been all that the Lord meant for him to be unless his mother had given him to Eli.
Our gifts can only be fully realised and bear fruit when they are given to The Lord.
Their value is increased not by our own strength but by Gods.
Even our meagre bread and loaves can be increased when given to Jesus in faith. 
We are only tenants. This body and all we are given are temporary shelters. Let’s not cling to them.  Let’s consecrate them to God and His loving hands. The hands of an artisan, a carpenter, a potter, who can fashion a precious vessel from rough earthen clay.
The joy comes in the giving away and the giving up: in the emptying so we can receive something much more valuable and so our gifts can reach their full fruition.


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