Sister Mary Paula

Sometimes I think we have an idea of holiness or sanctity. We think it’s all about serenity, an alabaster perfection. But Mary broke open the alabaster jar and the precious oil of anointing flowed free. 

Our ideas are narrow, based on images and notions. 

I read this tribute to Sister Mary Paula by the Instagram account Pursued by Truth.

Sister Mary Paula didn’t give an outward show of holiness. She blessed people by not hiding her humanity but being a broken offering of humility and brave honesty.

Holiness isn’t a constant referring back to ourselves, our progress or lack of it but a giving of ourselves.

We over complicate things sometimes. But Jesus said His Kingdom was made for children. Humility comes down to honesty. Holiness comes down to love. 

Making allowances for each other.

God wants our heart. He wants our love. When we give Him our hearts and our love He gives us Himself.

The measure we give our lives to Him is the measure He can work in us.We give Him our meagre and inadequate loaves and fishes and He takes them and multiplies them. When touched by HIS LOVE Our preconceived ideas of holiness shatter before Him.

He is our holiness.

Sometimes we are touched by His love and mercy through the vulnerable honesty of another person.

I hope you are blessed by Sister Mary Paula today as I was.


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