Give the first fruits of your day to God - The Importance of morning prayer.

Jesus in the Wilderness - Briton Riviere

Giving the first fruits of your day to Jesus is letting Him take a whip of cords and drive out any other spirit or idol from the Holy Temple that is your body and soul. It gives an anchor to your day and helps set it upon The Rock that will not fall when the storm of life comes.

 You can use the concept of the monastery bell, which rings throughout the day to ‘interrupt’ everyday tasks with prayer too.

These are anchor points. 

Without these, we end up spending our time trying to build our own idolatrous Towers of Babel and become prey to the snares of the enemy.

Without putting God first we make our business or our appetites, hobbies or interests or fears or ambitions our master instead of Our Lord.

‘Unless The Lord builds the house, the labourers labour in vain.’

May The Lord build our houses and though we are ‘not worthy that He should enter under our roof’ May The One Who ‘had no place to lay His head’  find a place to rest within their walls. 

And if He but only say the word, our souls will be healed.


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