The effect of screen time on prayer time

 The most profound human experience is communion with God. 

To commune with God we need time for prayer. We need silence, stillness, sensitivity and the ability to focus. 

The use of smart phones, especially social media platforms like Tiktok or Twitter rely on hyperbole, sound bites and fast paced  content that stimulates dopamine in the brain.

Regular interaction with these platforms can make us less focused and able to spend any length of alone, in silence and contemplation.

The increasing shock value of click bait content also desensitises our ability to hear and respond to the quiet, still, voice of  The Holy Spirit.

The intensely polarised opinions on social media buffet those not firmly grounded in the faith, leading them down one rabbit trail after another.

Pastor David Wilkerson is well known for his ministry with gangs in New York City. Many years prior to his calling in New York he realised he had an addiction to watching television. Every evening, after dinner, he would find himself planted in front of the television set for two hours before bed.

He wondered one day, what might happen if he gave those two hours to God in prayer. An amazing thing happened. He was given a calling to leave his home state and travel to some of the most dangerous areas of  New York city where notoriously violent gangs roamed. Within only a short amount of time miraculous conversions were taking place and hardened criminals were coming to Christ. Pastor David continued his amazing work up until his death. Many of his video sermons are available to hear on YouTube and his book chronicling  his New York mission titled The Cross and The Switchblade has sold 15 million copies worldwide.

God can heal our brains. All we need to do is give Him our time. 

When we love someone, we spend time with them. Following the first commandment to love God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength grafts us to Him, from Whom we gather all our strength.

‘Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.’ - Saint Catherine of Sienna


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