There are many voices, but only one is nessecary.

 I spend quite a bit of time watching YouTube. I’m very careful about the content I watch however God has convicted me that I’ve been spending more time on YouTube than I do in His Word and in communion with Him.

Although I watch Christian content. There are sometimes quarrels over creed and doctrine rather than unifying, compassionate, edification and encouragement.

Although it is good to fellowship and learn from one another it is most profitable to fellowship and learn from God through spending time with Him in prayer and His Word.

During lent I gave up social media and  screen time and The Lord placed it on my heart to write a book, which I did. He also placed it in my heart to open a shop, which I did. I was more productive and contemplative (both) during this time than ever. 

When we give our time to The Lord, He makes it fruitful. When we give Him our small offering if loaves snd fishes, He multiplies them.

I opened my Bible  morning and read:

Titus 3:9,"But avoid foolish debates, genealogies, quarrels, and disputes about the law, because they are unprofitable and worthless."

How often can this be applied to Christian YouTube? We are to worship the Father in spirit and truth. And we come to that truth by being in His spirit.

Jesus says:

If a man love Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him and make Our abode with him.”

To love Our Lord, we are to keep His Words. Sacred Scripture is inspired by The Spirit. We must keep it in our hearts like the most precious thing. And to keep it, we must not just hear it, but follow it.

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”

- Hebrews 3:15

There are many voices, but only one is nessecary.


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