What does it mean to be salt

Wildflower Abundance - Eric Hansen 

Jesus says: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.“

Salt was used for many things in the days when Jesus walked the earth. Preserving and cleansing were two uses, the third use was as a soil fertiliser. Salt would add essential minerals to the land to enrich it and make it ready to bear seeds.

A while back, I remember watching a television programme about a small community of people that wanted to find a way to bring beauty and hope to their inner city neighbourhood. The grass verges around the high rise flats were always scrubby and graffiti laced the walls and buildings. One spring, the people decided to dig over the grass verges and scatter wild flower seeds. That summer the grass verges were alive with the colour of meadows and life. Bees and butterflies fed from the plants and birds followed.

That summer the crime rate of the whole area went down, there was no vandalism, no graffiti.

To follow Christ is to be salt on the earth. And where those that belong to Jesus tread, life should begin to blossom and bloom. Not through our goodness and strength but through His.


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