Why is there so much depression and anxiety

 I think there are many reasons why mental health issues are on the rise. More than I can go into in a blog post, however some reasons seem clear to me through reading the Bible and seeing how far The World has fallen from It’s beautiful Law of Love, ‘It’s boundary lines in pleasant places.’

We are taught so many things through the education system and the media. Things that undermine our human dignity.

We are taught that we are insignificant. We are taught the lie that our existence is a random chance in a chaotic universe created from a Big Bang. Yet, when have you ever seen something created from nothing before? 

We are taught that we are a tiny speck of dust in a vast ever expanding universe.

We are taught that we are just a bunch of cells. That we are a virus on the planet, that  we are destroyers rather than creators.

We are taught we are only one step away from monkeys. That we are animals. That we only care about our own survival. 

We are taught that only the strongest, richest, fittest and most powerful deserve to thrive and the lives of the weak, poor, disabled, sensitive, very old or very young, are not worth much and are disposable if they disrupt the lives of the ‘stronger’ group.

We are told that we can do whatever we want without eternal consequences.

We can have sex outside of wedlock. We can read, watch and listen to whatever we want even if it blasphemes the name of our creator, even if it’s dark or violent or normalises  practices that the Bible condemns..

We are taught it’s okay to kill our unborn children. 

We are taught to compete against each other. To see each other as rivals rather than brothers and sisters.

The Holy and Sacred is being secularised. Prayer is being taken out of schools. 

We are taught the lie that all paths can lead to God.

To follow the rules of The False Gospel, the one that calls evil good and good evil. The one that normalises evil and makes it seem fun leads to all kinds of mental health issues.

God’s law may seem restrictive from the outside, but it is designed by a living God to liberate our hearts and minds from worldly desires that can lead to destruction and suffering. 

Psalm 16: 5-6

The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. 

LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4


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