Some wisdom from St. Padre Pio


What I want from you is, as the trial increases, your abandonment and trust in God may also increase.

And, everyday when your heart especially feels the loneliness of life, pray.

God will never permit anything to happen to you that is not for your greater good.

Remember, the sinner who is sorry for his sins, is closer to God than the just man who boasts of his good works.

I am ready to suffer all things for the triumph of God’s glory.

It won’t be long before the sun shines through the darkness.

Don’t let the persecution of the world and all those who live without the spirit of Jesus Christ deter you from following the road troddrn by the saints. Continue to run up the steep path of holiness and don’t let the rough path dismay you.

The grain of wheat does not bear fruit if it does not suffer by disintegrating… and do people and countries even, need trial and suffering to come forth cleansed and renewed.

It is in testing that God binds His chosen souls to Himself.

I am more interested in spiritual than corporeal health.

Don’t worry, the Angel of The Lord will go with you.

Always walk under the eyes of The Good Shepherd and you will walk unharmed through evil pastures.

If certain thoughts bother you, it is the devil that causes you to worry and not God, Who, being the spirit of peace brings you tranquility.

Don’t be distressed on seeing yourself imperfect and so full of defects, nor should you be surprised at this, God permits this, in order to make you humble.

Don’t lose heart, if it is your lot in life to work a lot snd gather little. If you considered what one soul alone costs Jesus, you would never complain.

Come out of anxiety, because it is one of the greatest deceivers of true virtue and sound devotion.

We must place our trust only in God in the struggles of life, even when it seems heaven is closed to us.

Jesus permits the spiritual combat as a purification not a punishment, the trial is not unto death, but unto salvation.

Jesus is with you, even when you don’t feel His presence.

May your heart always be the temple of The Holy Spirit.

May Jesus always be the helmsman of your little ship.

May Mary always be the star that lights your path and May she show you a safe way to reach The Heavenly Father.

Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

Live for Him Who died for you.

Only one thing is necessary, lift up your spirit and love God.

Pray, hope and don’t worry.

Keep your eyes always fixed on Him Who guides you and the heavenly homeland He wants to lead you.


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