To know The Creator of everything as a friend.

Imagine, being able to intimately know the creator of the whole universe, the heavens and the earth. 

Jesus came so we might know God. I can’t get over what an amazing gift that is!

Knowing Who God is and being able to talk with Him directly, having Him walk with me through everything in life is more precious to me than anything.

When you know God, and you know how good and kind He is, when you see His gentleness and the way He disciplines, His beauty and unfailing, faithful love for His people it makes you want to follow Him anywhere, it makes you aware of your own lack of integrity and goodness, your pettiness and pride, your ego and greed and it makes you want, more than anything, to be able to love as He loves.

I was reading Jeremiah today and it felt like a cleansing. So many things can become idols, even arguments and ideas, the Internet and social media apps.

The voice of The Lord is pure and still and clear just like fresh water. It cleanses the temple with a whip of cords. We are the temple and His voice cleanses everything that is within that is not of The Holy Spirit. The voice of the Lord turns over the money changing tables where we make accounts of our virtues, where we hoard, where we keep a little of the world, just in case. He exposes our lack of faith and our infidelity. He up turns the money changers tables within our hearts where we keep accounts of others wrongs and look at this beautiful, abundant, miraculous life through the narrow, squinting eyes of human productivity and materialism.

‘This is what The Lord says …

I remember the loyalty of your youth, your love as a bride - how you followed me in the wilderness, in a land not sown.

Israel was holy to The Lord, the first fruits of His harvest.

All who ate of it found themselves guilty, disaster came on them.’

-Jeremiah 2:3

‘What fault did your fathers find in me, that they followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves.’ 

- Jeremiah 2:5

‘For my people have committed a double evil.

They have abandoned me, the fountain of living water, and dug cisterns for themselves - cracked cisterns that cannot hold water.’

- Jeremiah 2:13


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