Christ or Barabbas


In the beginning was the word by Eva Koleva Timothy

There is always one right choice at every moment.

Sometimes our eyes are open and our will ready. That is Grace.

To look for the best of others. To have eyes to see the holy impulse to love and do good that exists in others. 

To understand the blind spot that causes sin and not react to that.

To understand the blind spot is in all of us until we come to sanctity. 

That the blind spot is like a little cloud of protection, that through our unknowing we are less culpable and this is a mercy of God and we have to accept that this, in its way, is a mercy, until the soul is ready to fully and completely choose Christ rather than Barabbas. 

To bear Jesus into the world takes a whole hearted yes to God time and time again, like Mary did.

I pray God helps me to see that when others do harm, they are acting from this blind spot. May God help me to see the best in them, the beautiful vision that God has for them. 

And I pray that God helps me realise my own blind spots and how quickly I can go from desiring to do and give everything to the good, to choose Christ, and then feeling my own needs and impulses rise up so easily and blindly, put them first instead.

Father, please, make Your will clear. If it’s Your will, please remove my blind spots. Father, please help me to see Christ and choose Him and all He asks of me above all things.


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