Mary, guide of the end times

Mary said yes to God. 

Mary waited. Mary stored all these things up in her heart. Mary trusted even with the threat of social exclusion and violence. Mary trusted, even in exile in Egypt. When the boy Jesus couldn’t be found, she perused Him to His Father’s house. Mary magnified the Lord. Mary was full of Grace. 

Mary knew God was faithful even when there was no room in the inn, no room in the world for her and her son. The world recognised  not it’s God. And still today, there is no room for Jesus except in the hearts of a few. ‘And the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.’

Mary said ‘do whatever he tells you.’

 Mary, though mother of God, lived an obscure and humble life. When almost everyone abandoned Jesus.

Mary followed Him all the way to the foot of the cross. 

Mary’s heart was pierced too ‘so that the truth of many souls would be revealed.’ 

Mary stayed with the apostles to comfort them. Mary was in the upper rooms when The Holy Ghost descended at Pentecost. 

The church is now going through it’s passion. As the mystical body of Christ on earth, the church will imitate her beloved. The church is now being persecuted in a world that wants Barabbas, the one who seeks earthly, material, mortal security rather than Jesus, Who turns over the money changers tables and Whose kingdom was never of this temporal world. 

Jesus’s kingdom is security for the immortal soul, for eternal life. 

As Mary remained at the foot of the cross, she will remain with the church during this time. There may only be a remnant, but there were only four people who stood at the foot of the cross with Jesus to the very end.

Jesus gave His beloved disciple John to His Mother as a son and He gave Mary to John for a Mother. Jesus, also gives Mary to us as a Mother, especially in these last days.

Mary has appeared in many apperitions during the last few centuries and especially during the last century. Her message is always about her son. Her message is always one of prayer and penance. Mary always exhorts us to listen to her son and ‘do whatever he tells’ us.

Mary appears throughout the Bible, but especially in the book of revelation. 

Mary, is given by Jesus to us as a Mother, to care for, assist and guide us through these last hours to the promised land of her Son. 

Mary says, when you are confused and overwhelmed, when you don’t know who to trust, listen to or follow, hold firm to the hem of my mantle, I will lead you through the narrow path to the true light of my Son Jesus.

Pray the rosary.

Ask for the daily bread of Grace to strengthen you. Do not worry about tomorrow. You will eat the bread of angels today. You will have enough Grace to sustain you each day at a time.

I was very close with the saints to the very last hour of their lives. I will be with you too.

There is a great battle going on in the celestial realm but don’t be afraid. God, puts His angels in charge over the life of His faithful ones. 

Go to the ‘mountains’ and don’t look back. Go to the places of prayer in these last days.

Hide yourself in the cleft of the rock. The Sacred Heart of Jesus who was pierced. Divine mercy flows from The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, says Mary. In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Mary’s Immaculate heart is pure and Jesus says, the pure in heart will see God. Our human hearts can be so divided. In the Bible it says wickedness and deceit come from the heart. Mary’s heart was made pure, without wickedness or deceit. From her heart flowed the blood that would nourish Our Saviour in the womb. The Lord made Mary’s heart pure.

May we contemplate Mary’s purity. May we pray for The Lord to dwell within us and make our hearts pure so that with hearts full of love and trust we will walk the last few steps of this narrow path to Calvary and the Victory of The Resurrection.


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