Beholding the mystery

Isn’t this statue beautiful. It was my Grandmothers, then my Fathers and now mine.

Sacred art speaks of the mystery of heavenly things.

I love the mystery part. 


Sometimes it feels like I’m looking through ‘a glass dimly’ or ‘through the lattice.’

With the glimmering of a deer in a forest I see Him and follow and sometimes He seems so distant, so buried in the density of demands and distractions.


But along the uncompromising way suddenly a burst of light pierces the dark canopy and I’m standing in a glade with sunlight pouring through like water. And my eyes are refreshed and my sight clarified and He seems so close. Heaven seems so close even in this aching earth.


‘My beloved is like a roe or a young hart. Behold, he standeth behind our wall; he looketh forth at the windows, showing himself through the lattice’ - Song of Songs 2:4


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