Children of The Kingdom

In the world there are always some that don’t seem to have the vigour or toughness of the others.

They don’t keep up with  the games, they don’t understand the jokes. They seem somehow estranged, without mooring on the earth. 

Their eyes are easily given to tears and far away gazes. They are searching for that place that they belong, for they know it’s not where they are. 

Their hearts break and bleed too easily and they they are walking targets and fair game for those with a taste for blood. 

They are called sensitive as if sensitivity were a sin. 

They roam on the margins, between groups, or alone. 

They think and they dream. 

They are the friend of wildflowers, weeds and strays. 

They know and love Jesus with all their being even if they’ve never been formally introduced.

Because Jesus is the friend of such as these:

The simple, the pure in heart, the lowly, the strangers, the peaceful, the childlike, the true.

In heaven,  they will shine, with the light of their Saviour, Lord, King and Friend.


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