Thy Will be done


When I think of all the things I have to do. My responsibilities, my duties of care, the minutiae of daily chores, all further magnified by the unknowns, the stories of doom in the headlines, I can easily feel crushed by the weight.

Yet, here, this morning, praying the Our Father I am arrested by the words, ‘Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.’

They ring like bells in a field, they sparkle like clear water.

I feel the great chains of my own will, my own agenda, my own plans, my fears and contingencies, my own ideas fall from my shoulders and the gentle yoke of Jesus put in it’s place.

I only have to do His Will. I can leave everything in faith to Him. His Will is a place of peace and protection.

I can trust He will give me the strength to accomplish what needs to be done. The essentials. Not the vain tasks, the real tasks. Outside of His Will, there is no life, it is a barren wasteland where wolves prowl.

We can do nothing without Him.

‘Unless the Lord builds the house the labourers labour in vain who build it.’ - Psalm 127:1

Daily prayer


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