When our hearts are hardened.

Some thoughts that came to me after morning prayer today. Thoughts I want to remember and follow.


A certain hardness of heart occurs when people have differing opinions.

This is of the enemy. It is a bad fruit.

Run from it.

Run from it with all your strength to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Who is the only gateway to life eternal. Whose Heart transforms all hearts by the Love and Sacrifice of His own for sinners.

Rather than feel hardness in your own heart for those who seem wilfully blind or scornful. Offer prayer and sacrifice for them. Follow Jesus’s example as He told us. Deny yourself. Take up Your Cross. Pray, bless and do good to those who seek to harm you.  When we do this, Our Lord promises to take out our hearts of stone and put in hearts of flesh that bleed and die as His did. Yet we can only Love like this through His Sacred Heart so surrender completely to His Sacred Heart.

Let your heart be consumed by the flames of His Heart so that all the hard dross is removed and only what is pure remains.

Set me as a seal upon your heart,

    as a seal upon your arm,
for love is strong as death,
    jealousy is fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
    the very flame of the Lord. - Song of Solomon 8:6

I was praying for a soul at Benediction last night and it came to me that others had prayed for me in such a way when I was lost, and stranded and far from the truth.  It was through these prayers of Love and Sacrifice not judgement and condemnation that led me back to God.

Think on whenever you have poured yourself put out of love for someone for that love to be ignored, scorned or even for you to be persecuted for it,

Imagine what greater love God offers us when He offers us His Son and what greater suffering He endures when He is ignored, scorned and persecuted.

We have all contributed to Jesus’s suffering through our sins. None is without blame.

Seek His Heart with all your heart. Make reparation. 

Prayer and sacrifice in joy and silence.


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