Let your eye be single

Social media creates so many apertures or lenses through which we can view the world. 

Never in the history of humankind have individuals had access to such a spectrum of perspectives.

When viewed correctly, this can promote empathy and compassion for others who live very different experiences from our own. When not, it can create confusion and a sense of existential meaninglessness rooted in the shallow soil of relativism.

To allow us to see with clarity and discernment, the first aperture and lens should always be the Scriptures, (especially the Gospels) Prayer and The Sacraments.

Without this first lens, we can easily lose our true focus on what is real and what The Holy Spirit is trying to communicate to our lives without other voices drowning it out.

Periods of fasting and silent Prayer help us to listen to the One voice that truly matters (The voice of God) and make His voice the determiner of how we discern other voices. 

“The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” - Matthew 6:22


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