Waxing Cold


Doesn’t it seem the world is getting colder?

In these darkening days, we must pray that our hearts remain

simple, honest, childlike, pure, humble, contrite and soft,

always seeking the good where it can be found despite the

seeming turmoil.

Happy to be a friend to all, despite the cost.

We are given a warning in the book of Matthew about the last


'And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall

wax cold!'

We called to judge and discern Truth and, when the time


pray for the strength to stand for it and be persecuted for it.

But Jesus calls us not to judge other souls.

Our hearts must always have love for souls as God loves our own poor soul

God, came to suffer and die so all might know what Love is.

We must flee from anthing that cools our heart: sarcasm,

superiority, self righteousness, run from anything that has the appearance of evil and never gossip or backbite.

A cold heart loses all power of discernment and therefore

Truth as well.

"Consider carefully what you hear," He continued. "With the

measure you use, it will be measured to you-and even



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