The Story of Christ and the Sultan’s daughter

Early in the morn-tide

The Sultans's daughter

Walked in her father's garden,

Gathering the bright flowers,

All full of dew.

And as she gathered them, 

She wondered more and more

Who was the Master of the flowers,

And made them grow

Out of the cold, dark earth

"In my heart," she said,

"I love him; and for him

Would I leave my father's palace,

To labour in his garden"

And at midnight,

As she lay upon her bed,

She heard a voice

Call to her from the garden,

And, looking forth from her window

She saw a beautiful youth

Standing among the flowers.

It was the Lord Jesus;

And she went down to him,

And opened the door for him;

And he said to her,

"O maiden !

Thou hast thought of me with love,

And for thy sake

Out of my Father's kingdom

Have I come hither;

I am the Master of the Flowers. 

My garden is in Paradise,

And if thou wilt go with me,

Thy bridal garland

Shall be of bright red flowers."

And then he took from his finger

A golden ring,

And asked the Sultan's daughter

If she would be his bride.

And when she answered him with love,

His wounds began to bleed,


And she said to him,

“O love! how red thy heart is,

And thy hands are full of roses."

" For thy sake," answered he;

" For thy sake is my heart so red,

For thee I bring these roses ;

I gathered them at the cross

Whereon I died for thee !

Come, for my Father calls.

Thou art my elected bride!'

And the Sultan's daughter

Followed him to his Father's garden.

- Longfellow

found here


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