Who is Truth

‘I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father, except through me.’

“Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son”       (2 John 9).

. God  is not in the whirlwind, the fire or the earthquake but the still small voice

Beneath a tumult of information, Truth is getting buried. 

We are too busy listening to one another and not listening to God.

Jesus says The Holy Spirit dwells within those who keep His  commandments. 

If ye love me, keep my commandments.


From the psalms in Morning Prayer today:

You, O Lord, are close; your ways are truth.

I call on you with all my heart –

  answer me, Lord.

  I will obey your laws.

I call on you –

  save me

  so that I can keep your decrees.

At first light I cry to you,

  I put all my hope in your word.

In the night I keep watch,

  pondering your sayings.

In your mercy, Lord, hear my voice;

  in your justice, give me life.

My persecutors come to do me harm:

  they are far from your law.

But you, Lord, are near to me,

  and you are trustworthy in all your precepts.

From the beginning I have known your decrees,

  how you have made them to last for ever.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son

  and to the Holy Spirit,

as it was in the beginning,

  is now, and ever shall be,

  world without end.


You, O Lord, are close; your ways are truth.


Some words from my own heart on inclusion:

The Church welcomes everyone.

Jesus welcomes everyone, but He never leaves us where we are, in the confusion and ultimate pain of our sin. He, binds our wounds Himself and takes us to His Church where we may find shelter and sanctuary, from the deceptions of the world. 

 I am no better than you. I need Jesus.

 I need Truth or I will be forever limited by my imperfect lens of self. I tried trusting in my ‘own truth’ for a while and it nearly threw me off the edge of a cliff. Thank God The Good Shepherd came after His lost lamb and with the crook of His Shepherd’s Staff hauled me back to the fold.

His Truth is the most loving thing. 

His Truth says you are beloved. 

The world has tried to take your true self, the beautiful child that is your soul and distort it for its own ends. 

You live for one fleeting experience after another, never knowing your true end or how infinitely you are loved. 

When you, at last, see the Truth of your soul in the reflection of your Father’s eyes you really begin to see, for He came to give sight to the blind. And we are all blind till He lays His sacred hands on the eyes of our heart.

He died for us to show us that the Truth is Love. 

Not the kind of love that seeks satisfaction in passing desire, lust, ego or thrill. But love that says ‘you are so much more than this.’ You are valued so much more than this. So much that Jesus was tortured and crucified for you. You are precious in the sight of God. He came to find you. He came to redeem you.

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant

seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one

pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. - Mat 13:45-46

If we Love Him, we must be able to give up our own ‘truth’ for His. This is humility. 


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