Reflections after retreat


I have come back from retreat with a renewed spirit. I feel deeply, that this is due to the intercession of Saint Therese.

There is nothing on earth worth the Grace of God. Nothing that is worth being able to approach Him blameless. Confession is such a treasure. If only everyone knew the power of it. But more so, the Grace of true contrition and complete repentance.

How fearful to die without recourse to this. 

It is like being made new. It’s like receiving sight. It’s like receiving new eyes. It enlarges the heart and fills it with warm, life giving blood. 

Yet, God in His wisdom allowed me, for some mercifully short time, to experience attachment to the world and delight in its distractions. He allows me to understand, once, one way, then another, what it is to feel these things so that I can truly be humble. So I can see how easily and how far I can fall without Him.

He allows such things, at times, also, so I can truly pray for others who might be suffering from similar bondage. Pray for them, not from a place of privilege but from a place of humility and compassion.

Thank you Father.

Sometimes I don’t know where you are leading me or why. Yet I abandon myself to You.

I give You my all. Jesus, I trust in You. Use me for Your Glory as You see fit. Just, please, never let me walk away from You and always remain close to me.


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