A Reflection on Grace

 I had a revelation in my heart last night.

I knew this in my head but I now know it in my heart. It is this:

Any good inspiration or thought, and welling of love in me, comes as a gift of Grace from God alone.

The more this Grace is responded to by giving of self to its inspirations, the more Grace is given.

‘To he that has, more is given. To he who has not, even what he has is taken.’

When a human being has been mistreated, they can often develop resentment and mistrust. They can see themselves as apart from others.

They may begin to live from a place of isolation, mistrust and anger which creates more enemies … and then more anger, mistrust, isolation, enemies…

Under such conditions, created by outside circumstances and made worse by responding in like, the heart begins to grow cold and hard.

Eventually, if this course is pursued long enough, it will lead to great  blindness of soul and darkness. God feels such great grief and sorrow for such a soul He sent His son to die to save them.

At some point in our lives, we have all been this person. 

Grace ( first natural, then sanctifying) comes from a movement against this, a movement towards love.

There is a power in Jesus that can break through the ice, the cold, the bitterness, the hardness. 

This is why Jesus says these seeming impossible  things: 

‘But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you’

For us alone it is impossible but through Jesus it is possible.

We are all fragile and susceptible to growing cold. Becoming something far from the beautiful soul we are meant to be.

This is the battleground. 

Life depends on our response to every small movement of love and hope: To every movement of Grace we are given.


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