Some thoughts on Prayer

 Some thoughts on prayer this morning…

Prayer is a reaching out from beyond the constraints of our self and the instincts fears and desires that control our lower nature. It is a reaching out toward our spirit which transcends these and seeks the highest form of beauty truth and goodness.

Mountains are often associated with prayer.

Prayer helps us transcend the low ground of the noise and confusion, narcissism and despair of our own limited natures and help us walk in our spirit which is of a higher order.

The Divine Order is not here to control and oppress like earthly hierarchies do. Indeed, it offers the highest freedom attainable; freedom from the oppression of our destructive impulses and their consequences. It also offers healing, comfort, strength, peace, joy, hope, pure, fortitude, selfless love. 

Prayer is the greatest solace of all under all circumstances. 

The more we pray, the more prayer permeates us and our life.

Here, in prayer, the veil between heaven and earth is thin and we can receive that secret manna for our journey that the world can never give. 

Manna doesn’t taste like earthly bread so it can be hard to recognise it at first but it’s the communion of God with the soul.

Desire for prayer is the beginnings of prayer. 

If we give ourselves to this journey in earnest, God will carry us the rest of the way. 


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