The most dangerous thing spiritually…


The most dangerous human error is to try to become a God.

When Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Satan said she would become like God, in knowledge and power.

This is the great lie.

The arrogance of the modern age is that we think we can, in our own individuated, finite and limited experience recreate the rules of the universe and the natural law assume we know better than traditions and values that have been tried, tested and proved over millennia. All wish to be King, Pope and God while despising the very concepts.

The Divine Order is hierarchical by design, but mercifully the authority rests on God, not us.

Contrary to our modern ethics, this Divine hierarchy is completely merciful and supremely just.

The rules and the law of this order are encoded in The Bible and they are absolute. Humans mess with them at their peril.

We may like to believe that truth is relative, or subjective, but subjective ‘truths’ will always contradict each other and disprove this. 

Rather, there is one absolute truth and degrees of understanding or fullness of it. 

For example, there are many Christian denominations that hold to truth and error by degrees but  the fullness of truth is found in the Catholic Church- the Church Christ established on earth.

To see truth, one requires light. 

Lucifer is another name for Satan and it  means ‘light bearer’ yet this light is as far from true light as neon billboards are from the sun. The enemy will always counterfeit truth.

The enlightenment was a period of history preceded by the reformation whereby the Protestant churches broke away from the Church of Christ - The Catholic Church.

What followed was a revolution in science and industry, music, art culture and politics.

The problems this idealism set out to solve, ultimately created many more:

Marxism, environmental damage, genocides, nuclear warfare, the fragmentation of the family, a rise in addiction and mental health problems, isolationism, fascism… the list could go on…

These revolutions were not begun by the poor but by the ruling elites who weaponised the legitimate sufferings of the poor to their own ends. Humans tried to usurp God to their own downfall.

We can blame the elites for many things but they of course are not the first cause, the first cause is a much older enemy - Satan and our own sin.

The remedy? Is hidden in plain sight.

He is One whom hardly a soul in this post modern age regards or truly finds. Yet He can still be found when sought with a true heart. 

He can be found in the gospels of St.Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John.

He can be found in the Sacramental life of every Holy Catholic Church. 

He can be found in the deepest part of all who seek with integrity.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is so powerful because she encompassed the state of soul most conducive to Grace and the flow of The Holy Spirit.

This is the where true, enduring  change for good occurs, not in political spheres or systems, not in ideals that become idols or earthly utopias wrought from the sweat and blood of fallen empires but within the depths of the human soul surrendered God.

This is what Mary’s soul was and it brought to birth The Way, The Truth and The Life.

This Life is accessible to all who yet believe:

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:9-14


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