What is Christianity? Christian Nationalism VS Progressive Christianity.


 I really appreciate much of what he says. He has a kind heart, but I have a few thoughts I’d like to add. 


True Christianity is indeed being hijacked, persecuted, and misunderstood as it probably always has been to some extent.

But to understand what Christianity is, rather than our own interpretation of it, which has led to the founding of thousands of denominations, some of which cannot even recite the Nicene creed in it’s entirety,  is to, with a sincere heart, read the whole New Testament from start to finish and be catechised in its interpretation and application through the Church that Jesus founded, The Church Who both wrote and canonised those same scriptures.

Nation is a Biblical concept. In the Old Testament God chooses a nation, Israel, to be His people. And when Jeanne’d’Arc was given her vision to liberate Orlean, it seems God did indeed choose her as an instrument and the sovereign nation of France over the English occupiers. The notion of Nation has its place in the Bible.

Secondly, to understand Christianity is to keep in mind as a premise, the commandments on which Jesus Himself says the law and prophets hang: To Love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and Love our neighbour as ourselves.

Love is the first and greatest commandment. But there are different forms and levels of love. 

True Love, in its highest form is always at one with truth.

Jesus always conflated Truth with Love. That is why people find Him hard to deal with and to follow. Sometimes truth is hard to hear. It certainly is demanding and it’s way is hard and narrow. But truth is Love in its fullness and it leads to Life in its fullness. 

This pastor speaks some important  truths, but they are as incomplete as the Christian nationalism he decries.


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